Narayan Nagbali Puja Pandit in Trimbakeshwar

What is Narayan Nagbali?

Narayan Nagbali is a three-day Hindu ritual performed at Trimbakeshwar. Narayan Nagbali consists of two different rituals. First Narayan bali is done to get rid of ancestral curse (Pitru dosh /Pitru Shaap) while secondly Nag bali is done to get rid of sin performed by killing snake(a cobra made from wheat dough),Cobra which is worshipped in India. It can be performed only at Trimbakeshwar Nashik District(Maharashtra) .

By having Narayan Bali Pooja performed, one can satisfy the unfulfilled worldly desires of the deceased souls, which could be bothering the progeny or relatives. Narayan Bali Poojan is similar to a funeral wherein an artificial body of wheat flour is used.

By use of Mantras, souls that have aspiration halting in this world are call forth. With the rituals, they are able to possess the body made using wheat flour and the funeral liberates them to the other world. Similarly, Nag Bali allows the former to get rid of their sins.

By having the Narayan Nagbali Poojan implemented, one can get rid of problems issues of Bhoot Pishaach Badha, not getting success in business, health problems or lack of peace within the family,Argument with others, problems in marriage.It gives good health, success in business and career and fulfils wishes.

Parents can perform Narayan Nagbali Pooja (Pitru Dosha Pooja) for their children. If, due to any adverse circumstances, parents have to put up with loss of progeny, then they may have the Narayan Nagbali Pooja or a Shraadh conducted for mukti (salvation) of their children. The benefit of this pooja is definitely received by the soul of the departed.


1) The Pooja of Narayan Nagbali is of 3 days.

2) Please come one day before or early in the morning till 6 AM on the date muhurta.

3) The daxina includes all the Pooja Samugri & Food arrangement for 2 Persons per Pooja .

4) Please bring with you new white clothes dhoti, gamcha, napkin and for your wife saree, blouse etc. (Other than black or green colors). Bring with you and one nos of idol of snake made using 1.25 gram of gold And 8 nos of silvers.

5) Reservation for this ritual must be made minimum 4 days in advance by informing us. Your name and telephone number is to be registered before coming for the rites. It is inevitable to make reservations to avail all the facilities.

Reservations can be made through phone or mail. Those individuals who are interested in getting the Pooja to be done should get the time booked at least 5 days in advance.

About Pandit Sagar Guruji Trimbakeshwar

Pandit Sunil Guruji basically from Kameshwaranand Giri Ashram, Trimbakeshwar, Nashik, from last 50+ years. He has a PhD in Sanskrit from Banaras Hindu University, he has good knowledge in Astrology, Palmistry, Numerology and Vastu Shastra. He has done more than 2100 puja as per shastra with amazing result. Guruji can communicate in Hindi, English and Marathi. He has visited many countries like America, South Africa, Britten, London and Kuwait for Puja and Vedic Sahitya.

Sunil Maharaj

Sunil Maharaj are expert in Kaal Sarp Pooja, has given 100% result to devotees around the world. They are old and experienced pandit from Trimbakeshwar.


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